(Team Enhanced Adventure Motivation) Program

What makes a team a team? 

Maybe you've been involved with cross-functional teams, work groups, even teams outside of work, like charity organizations or your local PTA. Your experience was probably very different with each experience: some of the teams may have worked poorly together, and then there were probably a few teams that really "clicked." When teams click, each individual is contributing their best skills to the group.

The T.E.A.M programs offers your employees the opportunity to really "click" and become a unit.  Whether you are looking to strengthen existing bonds, form new workgroups, or manage change through your organization, the T.E.A.M. program can bring together your employees like never before.

Teams learn by completing physical and mental challenges that require each individual to contribute for the greater good of the team.  Add the thrill of competition and our quality instruction and you have a winning combination!  Get the most out of your employees, and help them get the most out of their work.

Whatever the physical level of your employees we have a program that is right for your company and we can customize any one of our adventures to suit your training needs.  

Call 1-888-94-GOSCA today to schedule a free evaluation session!.